
22/06 - APA OTS: 99,73% bewiesene Genauigkeit für femSense

22/03 - SHEconomy Wirtschaftsmagazin: Startup der Woche: SteadySense

21/09 - APA OTS: COVID-19, die Impfung und der Zyklus – Die große femSense Umfrage

21/06 - APA OTS: Surfin‘ USA – steirisches femTech Start-up auf der Erfolgswelle mit potenzieller Alternative zu hormoneller Verhütung

20/11 - GALA: Barbara Meier klärt mit femSense einen Kinderwunsch-Mythos auf

20/11 - TOP OF STYRIA: Werner Koele erhält bei der Wahl der TOPS of Styria Dachstein-Trophäe

20/07 - TRENDING TOPICS: SteadySense: Wir haben mitten im Corona-Lockdown das neue Produkt fertig gebaut

20/06 - femSense AMBASSADOR: Barbara Meier - Germanys Next Supermama im femSense Interview

20/02 - TRENDING TOPICS: Fruchtbarkeits-Tracker femSense: “Das Ziel ist, daraus ein Verhütungsmittel zu machen“

20/02 - BUNTE: Schneller schwanger werden – Experte erklärt: Was Frauen wirklich über ihren Zyklus wissen sollten

19/12 - BÖRSE EXPRESS: Babyboom im Kinderwunsch-Unternehmen: 20% der Belegschaft erwarten Nachwuchs

19/12 - WOCHE: Babybäuche als Best-practice-Beispiele

19/05 - WOCHE: Wenn ein Pflaster den Kinderwunsch "heilt"

19/05 - ORF: Fruchtbare Tage: Neue Methoden von Start-Ups

19/04 - WIRTSCHAFTSZEIT: SteadySense gewinnt #glaubandich-Challenge der Steiermärkischen Sparkassen

19/03 - DER STANDARD: Grazer Start-up hilft mit Chippflaster bei Kinderwunsch

19/03 - WOCHE: Grazer Weltneuheut hilft bei Kinderwunsch

19/03 - WOMAN: femSense: Wie ein Pflaster dir dabei helfen kann, schwanger zu werden

For femSense press material, including our logo, screenshots, press reports, team photos, and more, please contact


"I used femSense for 7 months and it was totally easy to use. I couldn’t believe my luck. One day after my birthday I found out that we were pregnant. It was a wonderful and indescribable feeling."

Nina, 35

"We had tried for 1.5 years to get pregnant, and finally it happened. Sadly, that baby didn’t want to stay with us, and I didn’t have the patience to wait any longer. After just one patch, it worked. I recommend femSense to all my girlfriends."

Alina, 32

"I was pregnant after 3 months, using femSense was really simple and straightforward. It was important to me to get the timing right because we didn’t have many opportunities to try. I couldn’t believe it at first, now I am just grateful and happy, and I hope that everything will go well one last time and our family will then be complete. I would recommend femSense without hesitation - it gave me a safe and secure feeling that I was not missing the right time."

Katharina, 39

"We had tried IVF for one year, but I had had enough so we needed to find an alternative. Because of the hormone treatment, my ovulation and menstrual cycle were all mixed up. femSense made it so easy for me. It was easy to understand and unlike other methods didn’t involve taking and charting my temperature myself. It was simple – stick on a patch, hold your mobile phone up to it in the morning, and that’s it!

I only used 2 patches before getting pregnant! Never stop hoping, one day you too will hold your happiness in your arms."

Emma, 35

"I used ovulation prediction tests for one cycle, I found them exhausting. The patch seemed like a great alternative. The application is really easy. I was skeptical at first about whether the patch would hold up in the shower etc., but it always stuck on really securely! You don’t even notice it. Don’t drive yourself crazy. If you are looking for a simple method that is effective and reliable, femSense is the right choice."

Marie, 30

"After several cycles trying to get pregnant, I started looking for a reliable cycle tracker. femSense seemed easy to use and I got pregnant the first time. I was sure I knew my cycle well before using it. However, the patch showed my ovulation two days earlier than predicted in the cycle apps. That seems to have been spot on. Without femSense, I would have missed my ovulation."

Lena, 29

"For the first two “practice cycles“ we used a urine ovulation test, but since I work shifts, it was difficult for me to stick to the schedule. I looked for alternatives, and femSense was the most suitable solution for us. The application is really very easy. My husband came home and the first thing he did was read my patch.

I got pregnant straight away, in the first cycle with femSense :) I thought it would take up to a year to get my hormones back on track because I had been taking the pill for so many years."

Sabine, 25

"Thanks to femSense, I got pregnant in the 4th cycle. Using femSense showed me that my ovulation happens earlier than I had always assumed."

Marija, 38